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Feature release - Save favourite channels

Jake Kitchiner | Sales & Business Development

New feature - Save Your Favourite Searches for Quick Access

Channelcrawler is elevating the user experience by introducing a highly requested feature: the ability to save favourite searches. This innovative functionality is designed to streamline the process of finding the top YouTube channels, fastest growing YouTube channels, and personalised YouTube playlists. Whether you're a current user or considering joining our community, this feature simplifies your search process, saving you valuable time and effort.

Why This Matters:

  • Efficiency and Convenience:

    No more repetitive input of filter criteria. One click and you're instantly taken to your desired search results.

  • Personalised Experience:

    Tailor your searches to find YouTube influencers, Minecraft YouTubers, small YouTubers, or the best golf YouTube channels, and easily revisit them.

  • Time-Saving:

    Spend less time setting up searches and more time exploring and connecting with the content and creators that matter to you.

Example saved searches for users:

  • Over 100k subscribers - Fast growing youtube channels - High view growth

  • Top Youtube channels - Over 50mill subs

  • Best golf Youtube channels - Over 25 videos, keyword golf, High views/sub ratio

  • Small Youtubers - 1-5k subs, minimum 10 videos per month, high comments/view ratio

Feature availability by plan

Premium, Pro and Power

  1. Head to the search tool - to start creating your favourite search - Start now

  2. Enter required filters

    - you want to be included in your favourite search- hyperlink to how to make a search

  3. Click ‘search’

  4. Click ‘save search’

    - in the top right hand side of the screen

  5. Give it a name -

    Make it a simple reference for your Youtube channel list. For example you are searching for if you are search is for fastest growing Youtube channels, and specifically for Minecraft Youtubers, your search may be:

    • Over 10k subscribers

    • Maximum 50k subscribers

    • Category - Gaming

    • Channel tag - Minecraft

    • Average subscriber number growth per month - minimum 10%

    • Social handle - Discord Therefore a name such as - Minecraft, fast growing, 10-50k subs w/Discord will make it easy to reference.

  6. Hit save - then you will see this message

  7. Access your saved search - you will see “saved searches” at the top of your screen and can select the one you wish to see