World's largest YouTube database: 158M+ channels

The place to find
YouTube channels
and creators

  • 40+ filters to discover the YouTube channels you need
  • Email addresses and social handles to contact creators
  • Target creators at scale and discover talent in smaller niches
ChannelCrawler - Largest Database of YouTube Creators

Join 1000+ brands using ChannelCrawler


Start a search

Use basic filters & see limited results for free or get a premium account to unlock all features.


Subscriber Growth

? Video views

(Available for channels with 10k+ subs)

Frequency & duration

(Available for channels with 10k+ subs)

Engagement rates

(Available for channels with 10k+ subs)


What our customers say


"As a startup, quickly acquiring quality customers at reasonable cost is essential. ChannelCrawler collaborated closely, bringing to bear their deep expertise, creativity and experience in the creator space. Moreover, the delivery rate reflected the high-quality and reliability of their data. Would recommend their services and data to anyone."

James Alexander

Founder @ Asqme

Asqme provides a creator service by enabling thousands of creators to transform audience queries into revenue opportunities.


"When expanding my business into the YouTube space it became daunting finding channels, until I discovered ChannelCrawler. I've used the service multiple times and the ease has led to not only saving me time, but also a boost in revenue. I'd highly recommend ChannelCrawler to anyone diving into the world of YouTube."

Matt Cisneros

Founder @ Backyard Ventures

Backyard Ventures focus on brand development and monetization across podcasts, social media, video, and email newsletters. They strive to find long term, like-minded partners.


"Working with ChannelCrawler was great. Incredibly attentive team with a top notch product that has helped us maximize our business."

Jorge Brea

CEO @ Symphonic

Symphonic Distribution provides thousands of artists, labels, and managers with comprehensive digital music distribution to hundreds of retail and streaming platforms worldwide

Our plans help you find & contact
the creators you need

Get immediate access to email addresses and powerful discovery features with a Power Plan

  • Display email availability and use credits to see the email addresses you need
  • Get 100 free email credits every month and purchase more as needed, or save 25% on large volume email exports
  • Filter by engagement rates
  • Filter channels by video tags and keywords (custom plan)
  • Explore pricing
    Email ilustration
    Analyze, organize and contact the right channels

    Analyze, organize and contact the right channels

  • Save and organize channels into lists and folders
  • See Channel metrics including engagement rate, views, subscriber growth over time and more
  • See channel tags and channel data that only we have!
  • Explore pricing

    Contact YouTube creators at scale

    Hassle-free solutions that save you time, energy, and money:

    Creator outreach as a service

    • Hassle-free outbound efforts, powered by our data.
    • If you hate outbound, aren't set up for it, or haven't got it right, then let us do it for you.
    • Simply tell us who you want to reach, and we work with our implementation partner to manage the campaigns on your behalf.
    Creator Services